Monday, November 5th, 2007
All of the ten people who have just returned from a delegation to Palestine from the Brighton-Tubas Solidarity Group, have their own unique stories to tell. In their two week visit they’ve been shot at, arrested, and discovered that produce grown on stolen Palestinian land and using child labour, is being sold in British supermarkets including Tesco’s. One delegate said, “Although it was often shocking, these events are part of daily life in Palestine and the people we met were full of friendship despite their situation.” (more…)
Posted in Agrexco, Boycott, Ramallah, 2007, Tubas Region - Olive Harvest, Tubas Region - House Demolitions, Tubas Region - Health, Jordan Valley, October 2007 Delegation, Press Releases, Al Masra'a Al Qibliya | No Comments »
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007
How do you make a living as a farmer when your land and water has been stolen from you by the Israeli invaders? The answer is that you don’t. You join the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in refugee camps in Jordan, or you work for a pittance in the illegal Israeli settlements spreading like a cancer over the once fertile land of Palestine. (more…)
Posted in Agrexco, Boycott, 2007, Jordan Valley, Fasayil, Child Labour, Schools, October 2007 Delegation | No Comments »
Sunday, October 28th, 2007
Waking up before dawn in the small village of Fasayil, deep in the heart of the Jordan Valley, we did not know what to expect. We were hoping to see, and maybe speak to some Palestinians that work in the nearby Israeli settlement farm: Tomer. (more…)
Posted in Agrexco, Boycott, 2007, al jifflik, Jordan Valley, Fasayil, Child Labour, October 2007 Delegation | No Comments »
Sunday, October 28th, 2007
Edward Said used to say that Western support for the Palestinian cause could only be built through the creation of a national narrative strong enough to challenge Israel’s, and to do this the same story would have to be re-told over and over again until the world starts listening. Writing about a first visit to Palestine feels a bit like becoming a part of that essential retelling. Although I have read hundreds of accounts of everything I am now experiencing, nothing had quite prepared me for the reality behind the words.
Posted in Agrexco, 2007, al jifflik, checkpoints, Jordan Valley, Fasayil, October 2007 Delegation | No Comments »
When there is nowhere left to go
Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Life in Upper Fasayil is precarious. It is in the Jordan Valley that comprises 30% of the Palestinian West Bank. Since 1967 the local community have gone from being a thriving farming community to a group of families squeezed into a villages with mud roads, single story houses, and animal pens. All the farming land around their village has been stolen from them by Israeli settlers, now used to produce crops for profit. They are prohibited from building any new buildings, or from repairing their existing homes. (more…)
Posted in Agrexco, Boycott, 2007, al jifflik, Jordan Valley, Fasayil, Child Labour, October 2007 Delegation | No Comments »
Palestine Delegation. Oct 2007. Day 2. Jordon Valley
Wednesday, October 24th, 2007
In the heart of the Jordon Valley, set on the hillside of Al Jiflik is a small Palestinian community. What was once a peaceful agricultural community is now a picture of devastation.
Since the occupation in 1967 the village has been caged in by settlements and their land stolen. Al Jiflik is situated in area C, which is a no build area and completely surrounded by checkpoints. The land which is still considered by the Israeli government as Palestinian is too dry to farm, as water supplies are minimal. Each individual is allowed only 72 cubic metres per day from the settlement supply; hardly enough to live on, with no hope of sustaining agricultural work. The people are forced to work in Israeli settlements, working long days for only 60 shekels (roughly £10) The complications which arise in being paid are incredible. Palestinians will only receive pay for 30 out of 46 days labour, sometimes without getting paid at all.
Posted in Agrexco, 2007, tubas region - workers right, al jifflik, checkpoints, Tubas Region - Workers, Schools, October 2007 Delegation | No Comments »
This is life in the Jordan Valley
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007
We are now in Tubas which is a largish town in the north of the Jordan valley. We are staying with a delightful family, the father(quite young) is a journalist for the Palestinian news and writes all sorts of articles on what is happening here with the occupation etc. He told us that he met Tony Blair at a school in the Jordan valley which had just been set up bythe Palestinian authority. He was not very impressed. Tony was a bit surpised to realise that some of the children did not know who he was. He was surrounded by body guards. By all accounts he was told by the children about the awful hassle they experience every day going through the checkpoints.They explained that they are regularly made to raise their t -shirts to check they have no weapons-No reaction whatsoever. (more…)
Posted in Tubas Region, Agrexco, 2007, tubas region - workers right, al jifflik, Tubas Region - Workers, Jordan Valley, Fasayil, Schools, October 2007 Delegation | No Comments »
Press Release - Brighton Residents Visit Palestine
Monday, October 22nd, 2007
A delegation of ten people from Brighton arrived in the Tubas region of occupied Palestine this weekend. Their week-long visit is aimed at fostering links between grassroots groups in Brighton and Tubas.
Posted in Tubas Region, Agrexco, 2007, tubas region - workers right, Tubas Region - Workers, Jordan Valley, Fasayil, Child Labour, Press Releases | No Comments »
Protesters Occupy UK warehouse of Israeli State Exporter
Monday, July 16th, 2007

Protesters Occupy UK warehouse of Israeli State Exporter
15 July 2007
This afternoon a group of Palestine solidarity protesters entered the main
UK warehouse of Israeli company Carmel Agrexco in Uxbridge, Middlesex.
Their action is part of the growing movement to boycott Israeli apartheid,
which aims to end Israel’s breach of International law and abuse of human
rights in the occupied territories of Palestine.
Posted in Agrexco, Boycott, UK Activism, 2007, tubas region - workers right | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 19th, 2007
Boycott Israel, the State of Occupation
Posted in Tubas Region, Agrexco, Boycott, Caterpillar, UK Activism, 2007, tubas region - workers right, checkpoints, Tubas Region - Checkpoints, Tubas Region - Workers, Tubas Region - Reports from Palestinians, Tubas Region - Health | No Comments »