Fasayil School - A Jordan Valley Success Story
August 5th, 2008
Brighton Tubas Friendship And Solidarity Group Press Release
In Summer 2007 a small group of activists from Brighton began talking to villagers in Fasayil, a small village in the Israeli occupied Jordan Valley. The villagers said that many of their children could not go to school because Israeli military law prevented them from building one.The majority of land in the Jordan Valley is either militarised, colonised by illegal israeli settlers or designated Israeli controlled. This means that the majority Palestinian population cannot build any stone structure; houses, schools, and agricultural facilities have all been subject to demolitions by the Israeli military.
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Posted in Jordan Valley, Fasayil, Press Releases, 2008 | No Comments »
The school they didn’t want us to build
May 28th, 2008

Just over a year ago in April 2007 a delegation from Brighton visited Upper Fasayil in the Jordan Valley, West Bank, Palestine. They sat down with the villagers and planned to build a school, knowing that the the villagers were prohibited from doing any building, improvements or repairs by the Isreali Civil Military Administration*. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in UK Activism, Tubas - April 2007 Delegation, Jordan Valley, Fasayil, 2008 | 1 Comment »
May 19th, 2008

Woman and her grandchild, in a small Bedouin tent in occupied Palestine. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Jordan Valley, 2008, tubas - delegation April 08 | No Comments »
April 28th, 2008
Bedouin children in the West Bank of occupied Palestine. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Jordan Valley, 2008, tubas - delegation April 08 | No Comments »
What is strength?
April 25th, 2008
Kalim, local councillor, shows me the positions in which he and other inmates of the prison were forced to stand for days on end. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Jordan Valley, 2008, tubas - delegation April 08 | 1 Comment »
April 17th, 2008
Getting a bit behind on these posts so Ill write a bit about Firoush Beit Dejan and Al Aqaba, continue from where the rest of the delegation left and occasionally write about stuff I did in the first few days.
Al Aqaba is a village that is often referred to as the first Palestinian settlement inside an Israeli military camp. (Take this as a joke, many of their homes are pre-48). This place is a model village, it feels like a haven from the occcupation. (Appearances can be deceptive, the Israeli army uses the local farmers for target practice, they train in the Jordan Valley because it is similar terrain to South Lebanon and this, even more than the fertility of the area, is the reason they are desperate to take it all. Guess people forgot to tell them the Lebanese shoot back.) Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Nablus, al jifflik, checkpoints, Jordan Valley, Hadidya and Humsa, 2008, tubas - delegation April 08, Firoush Beit Dejan | No Comments »
ISM Press Release - Palestinians, internationals and P.A. Minister gather in Al-Aqaba to protest Israeli demolition orders
April 17th, 2008
Palestinian and international activists from Ramallah, Budrus, Bil’in, Al-Khader, Um Salamona and Jenin gathered in the village of Al-Aqaba in the Jordan Valley on Saturday to express solidarity with the villagers in their effort to maintain their presence in spite of Israel’s attempt to wipe their village off the face of the map.
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Posted in Tubas Region, Tubas Region in the News, Tubas Region - House Demolitions, 2008 | No Comments »
5th day of the visit
April 14th, 2008
Now, we are in a place where the occupiers have really demonstrated the subtlety of their sense of humour. This place has a haze to it. It’s a nice day, but tense. Jeeps filled up with soldiers, taking an inordinate amount of interest in anything that moves, punctuate the day. An old man asks us, “so are you tourists here, or perhaps you are concerned about our situation?” He grins. We are sitting with our backs to a nearby water structure. It’s clearly a good one, because Palestinians are considered too dangerous to use it. It’s surrounded by a high barbed wire fence, it is “for the settlers”. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Jordan Valley, 2008, tubas - delegation April 08 | No Comments »
Smashed to pieces and literally bled dry
April 13th, 2008
Running up to our time to head in to Palestine, I had a quick sniff round the mainstream Israeli media. Typing ‘Israeli news’ into Google rewards me with a paper called Haaretz, which has got a range of opinions ranging from stuff which criticizes the occupation to stuff that is so right wing that it reads like Noel Edmonds has taken over the country using an army of Teletubbies. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Jordan Valley, 2008, tubas - delegation April 08 | No Comments »
Jordan Valley 2008
April 12th, 2008
11th April: Fairly tired after four days of listening to tales of life under a belligerent military occupation so this isn’t going to be my best writing but i promised we’d start our blogs today, so…
We started with a tour of the Jordan Valley, the most fertile part of what should be the west bank, occupied Palestine except they only control 6% of their own land, 34% is military land, the rest is controlled by illegal Israeli settlements. 4000 religious zealots in 36 sttlements control all the water supplies in this region. Electricity is only available for five ‘legal’ Palestinian villages which,combined, cover an area of 10 km squared. (Legal according to Israel, a flagrant recidivist when it comes to international law.) Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Agrexco, Jordan Valley, 2008, tubas - delegation April 08 | No Comments »